Anirudh Krishnan Komaralingam

Gaithersburg, MD

+1(240)-413 5766


I'm Anirudh, a robotics engineer currently working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. I work with industrial robots, robot simulations, ROS, digital twins and CRCL to reduce barriers in robot programming and increase robot agility. I also enjoy building home automation sensors, monitoring systems and IoT devices with microcontrollers and machine learning and many other maker things.

Technologies I Use

python c++ ros gazebo gimp matlab git google-cloud html css JS


Self Driving Car Simulation
Bike Computer Avatar

3D Printing and Design Portfolio

View on Thingiverse

Mini Projects (Interactive)

JavaScript Mini Projects

Self Driving Car Simulation

Optical Character Recognition