Anirudh Krishnan Komaralingam
I'm Anirudh, a robotics engineer currently working at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. I work with industrial robots, robot simulations, ROS, digital twins and CRCL to reduce barriers in robot programming and increase robot agility. I also enjoy building home automation sensors, monitoring systems and IoT devices with microcontrollers and machine learning and many other maker things.
Technologies I Use
Industrial Robot Simulations and Control
Agnostic Robot Programming Paradigms
6DOF Manipulator Teleoperation
LQG Controller for 2 Pendulum Cart
6DOF KUKA Manipulator Simulation and Control
Urban Search and Rescue Robots
Highway Traffic Tracking and Speed Detection
Vision Based Lane Detection and Prediction
Robotic Manufacturing Software System
Mobile Robot Path Planning
Pattern Recognition Algorithms
OCR Character Recognition with Deep Learning
Underwater Image Enhancement with Generative Models
Autonomous Object Retrival Robot